View Feature Request
Name of Target
Feature #: 9
File: Archimedes
Date: 10-22-11 11:23 PM
By: Ernesto
Status: Under Review
Target information at the bottom, targets target info at the top - or similar.

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By: Sunspots - 11-19-11 05:04 PM
I'll try to throw in some labels and stuff for the next version (so that the addon will be more usable if you use it without ant other unit frames)
By: moulin - 11-19-11 01:09 PM
I would be for this as well. I have an idea for a minimalist art pack for Archimedes and it would be fantastic if we could get the option to have the option of having labels. Allowing the option to toggle this option would make it easy for folks to enable/disable to their liking.
By: Sunspots - 10-23-11 12:19 PM
I've been considering labels but I have decided that it isn't the focus right now.
I can't come up with an aesthetically pleasing solution and I don't feel like putting time into something I don't like. I'll take another look at it though.
By: Ernesto - 10-22-11 11:30 PM
Here is an example screenshot:
Health on the left, Mana/Class mechanic on the right

Targets health at the very bottom, his name just above it, and the other target just abve it in a different color, that targets name above that,

If you only want arcs on the side, just stack them like it is now, but by all gods - We need the names of our targets, else the addon is not so strong as we'd like hehe.
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