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Burnout debuf Icon
Feature #: 56
File: Click Box Healer
Date: 11-05-12 12:45 PM
By: BgRva
Status: Under Review

I Use CBH quite a bit for multiple healing specs, several of which are variations on the Purifier spec. I have not yet been able to show the Burnout debuff in CBH. An icon for this is displayed in the regular raid frames which I have next to CBH solely to look for Burnout. I have used the debuff tab in CBH to let me know when the different Symbols (shields) are applied, but a shield can last upwards of 20 seconds but Burnout is 10. Since Burnout is not a spell or ability, I was unable to add it in the debuff tab.

My request is, is there a way of enabling watching debuffs which are applied by the system (such as burnout) in response to cased spells or abilities. Since Purifier is one of the main healing trees, having the ability to show burnout on targets would be awesome.

Thanks for your work so far!


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By: Solsis00 - 03-14-14 07:02 AM
There is a way to monitor this at this time. In the buff/debuff tab, you can click one of the spell locations and manually type any buff/debuff name that you would like to track.