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Colors ;)
Feature #: 55
File: King Boss Mods
Date: 07-15-12 06:42 PM
By: Arylenna
Status: Flagged for Future Version
Is there a way that you can put a color picker thingy in the castbars alerts thingy

and/or is there a way to put a button for testing the colors out that you have picked so that you don't have to change them in the middle of raid?


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By: Snarty - 07-15-12 07:59 PM
Unfortunately there's no way for me to currently allow free choosing of Alert flashes, it is possible with Timers though. The API doesn't allow changing the foreground color for non-square objects (which sucks) so that's why Alerts can only be changed to the preset color selection.

You can change the color of all individual alerts and timers though, via each bosses mod. I'm guessing you wanted more colors than those provided?
By: Arylenna - 07-22-12 05:30 AM
yeap. I like to be able to go through all of HK without using the same colors....that way I can differentiate between the boss fights and what they are casting in my brain.

When I was running *GASP* Wires, I was able to change the color slightly to differentiate between each boss fight, he also made the alerts almost always the same color.

I usually do a little difference in the coloring and use more earthy tones for certain types of stuffs, like cleansing.

say HEX on Sicaron, I had that as a tannish brown.
and the yellow alert for Cede on Zilas for interrupting, but also had a little more tannish yellow for another fight like on Darktide's Interrupt on the tidal wardens.

Every alert was a different color. I know there's no need for so many colors, but it helps me to know what to do when I'm looking for a specific spell and not for the alert reading.

Just a request, you don't have to, was just wondering if it's possible, I know that the LUA has been tough lately bc of all the changes that Trion has done to it, but you are a great author and thanks for all the updates when you get the chance to do them!
By: Snarty - 07-22-12 07:43 AM
Well, I'll see what I can do. A custom color editor of sorts is sort of possible. But only for the timers so far. Technically in DirectX it is possible to set the foreground color of a texture, and I've requested as such to Zorba, this would be needed for the Alerts to be able to utilize the color editor.

A long time ago I wrote a small graphics editor called ProPixel, so luckily I'm pretty well versed in image formats and what can be done in DirectX to achieve certain effects. As soon as it's available, I'll open up the Alerts and Timers with full customization (on top of presets).

It is planned, is the short version
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