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Unread 12-23-11, 07:27 AM   #5
Bomani Harbinger
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 6

I had my time with
<use abilities on keypress>
<ability queue>
in SETTINGS, but i still could not configure Rift to not to make a keyboard tap-tap-tap-tapping imbecile out of poor myself.

<use abilities on keypress> - this must be the toggle that whether an ability fires on key PRESSed, or on key released... But i would need an option that makes sure that in case i hold down a key, the ability is being fired when it is ready. Only the instant-cast abilities should have an AI built in, that does not allow them to fire again to the same target, as long as the previously fired one is still in effect.
IE you got a 10 sec curse, the AI does not allow you to instantly fire again and again that same skill.
OR toggle-able. Meaning, you can switch this AI on and off. And in say, the fifth second renew the curse. TAPping style is good for that. But constantly used, and RE-used skills..? Why cant i just hold down a key to fire?

So the point is, that the famous bios option TYPEMATIC RATE SETTING is being nullified in Rift, which is a very BAD thing. It makes people (me) keyboard tapping imbeciles.
Thats not good me being that.
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