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Strife 02-14-12 08:06 PM

(Request) - Range Finder
Request an addon to tell you how far away you are from your target. I know the functionality is built into rift, otherwise abilities wouldn't be able to tell if they are in range or not. No idea if displaying it with an addon is possible, but if it was, it would be a VERY helpful addon.


algritz 02-14-12 09:02 PM

You wouldn't be able to get the exact "range", but rather ranges of ranges :

melee - 5-10, 10 - 20, 20 - 30, 30 -40 , 40+

I'm not sure those are the exact values, but checking for :
"Event.Ability.Range.True" should allow you to determine which "range" bracket you are in.

sidsixseven 02-17-12 10:00 PM

I just started writing for Rift today, but I wrote several combat mods including a rangefinder for WAR and might do something I can attach to a unitframe.

That was a pretty simple addon and all I did in that was attach a label (No Range / Long Range / Mid Range / Melee) to the unit frame. You then assigned the ability to be the "test" or alternately chose not to display that label. For example, I personally only used No Range & Long Range on my casters and I only used Melee for melee characters.

Although, that said, there is a really good addon called WarnMe that either provides this now or could have the event added easily enough.

adelea 02-24-12 01:57 AM

Looks like this addon may be writable w/ 1.8

* Added .zone/coordX/coordY/coordZ members to Inspect.Unit.Detail(), along with appropriate events.

Nivlix 03-05-12 10:02 AM

Once they drop the x,y,z coords in to the live api you should be able to get an exact range. You will have to be good at math though which I am not. I cant for the life of me remember the equation for finding distance based on two points on a 3d plane. I will see if I can find it and work on something like this once they finally drop x,y,z. The last question is will this be a value thats available under target. There are several options in Inspect.Unit.Detail that are only available to ("player").

Nivlix 03-05-12 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Nivlix (Post 823)
Once they drop the x,y,z coords in to the live api you should be able to get an exact range. You will have to be good at math though which I am not. I cant for the life of me remember the equation for finding distance based on two points on a 3d plane. I will see if I can find it and work on something like this once they finally drop x,y,z. The last question is will this be a value thats available under target. There are several options in Inspect.Unit.Detail that are only available to ("player").

So after further research finding the distance, given that you can see the x,y,z coords of the target and yourself would be something like this

distance = squareroot of |ax-bx|squared + |ay-by|squared + |az-bz|squared

seebs 03-06-12 04:58 PM

I have an addon called RangeFinder. It's far from complete and poorly written, but hey, it works.

I'll fix it up more sometime when I'm not busy. Or anyone else who wants is welcome to grab it, and heck, even steal the name; I have no attachment to it.

Strife 03-06-12 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by seebs (Post 829)
I have an addon called RangeFinder. It's far from complete and poorly written, but hey, it works.

I'll fix it up more sometime when I'm not busy. Or anyone else who wants is welcome to grab it, and heck, even steal the name; I have no attachment to it.

yea, I saw it and tested it on the PTS, made a couple comments on it. I like it.

seebs 03-08-12 05:04 PM

I've made a LibNearFar to make the functionality, complete with error-checking and such, available to anyone who wants to use it. I'll probably update RangeFinder based on that, but I am not quite sure how; there's some Fussy Details.

The way party frames work does not meet my emotional needs.

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