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-   -   Creating your own AddOn - Step by Step (https://www.riftui.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22)

hp94 06-07-11 09:55 PM

Creating your own AddOn - Step by Step
How to create your very own addon! Click on the text to get a relevent picture.

Lets look at the Public Test Shard (PTS) RIFT Client you have. You should log in to the character select screen, where you will notice an "AddOns" button.


Next, click on the "Open Directories" Button.


Next, lets create a couple of new text files.


Name those two text files "Core.lua" and "RiftAddon.toc" (RiftAddon.toc has to be exact as far as I know).


Lets fill the RiftAddon.toc file with some information. Identifiers; Names (Name of the addon); Description (What players see when they highlight it in game); Author (Your name); Version (Any number is fine); Email (Your email, for Trions purposes); Environment (Has to be 1.3 for now); And RunOnStartup (A table including the name of the file to run on startup).


Next, lets fill up the lua file you made with some lua command. To make it easy, enter print("Hello World!") into the file, then close and save your addon files.


Next, create a new folder named anything you want, and put the files into that folder (This is in the same directory, this just groups up the two files into one folder, so it is one unique addon).

Lastly, click refresh in game, and view your addon!


Feel free to leave any questions or comments below, I'll read them and update this 'guide'.

Cairenn 06-07-11 10:15 PM

Thanks for this HP94. :)

Mars85 06-08-11 12:42 PM


thanks for the information. Are the fields listed all which are supported? Is there no dependency or something like that?

ninioautista 06-15-11 06:03 PM

just fixed =)

Dolby 06-15-11 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mars85 (Post 88)

thanks for the information. Are the fields listed all which are supported? Is there no dependency or something like that?

These are the known fields for the riftAddon.toc http://wiki.riftui.com/RiftAddon.toc. I don't see anything for dependency, something to bring up to ZorbaTHut.

tonyis3l33t 10-03-11 06:18 PM

a nice little kickstart, thanks. Any other resources that would help one write addons? I saw the author resource thread, and I'm considering reading the Programming in Lua 2nd Edition...anything else out there?

p.s. Hi Dolby =)

EDIT: Also wanted to add the only programming experience is an Introduction to Programming course I took at DeVry recently. We mostly focused on VBS & SQL.... but writing addons for EQ2, WoW, and now RIFT has always peaked my interests.

Sunspots 10-03-11 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 204)
These are the known fields for the riftAddon.toc http://wiki.riftui.com/RiftAddon.toc. I don't see anything for dependency, something to bring up to ZorbaTHut.

It's just commented out for the example.

-- This line would set up dependencies with several other addons.
Dependencies = {
  LibUnitChange = {"required", "before"}, -- LibUnitChange must be installed for this to work, and must be loaded before this addon is loaded.
  Visualizer = {"required"}, -- Visualizer must be installed for this to work. It may be loaded either before or after this addon.
  SomeLibrary = {"required"}, -- Embedded libraries are not added to the dependencies automatically. If the embedded library fails to load due to a conflict, your addon will still load unless it's set as a required dependency.
  OptionalHelper = {"optional", "before"}, -- This addon is optional, but if it's loaded, it must be loaded before this addon is loaded.
  SomethingThatNeedsToBeHooked = {"optional", "after"}, -- This addon is optional, but if it's loaded, it must be loaded *after* this addon is loaded.
  DataHelper = {"optional"},  -- This addon is optional and we don't care about load order.

Rithious 10-04-11 12:30 PM

Add on
I was looking through addons and i have yet to find what I'm looking for. I was thinking about making it myself but i don't know how to write the program. I wanted to do an all in 1 inventory. Is there someone that could help me with this, perhaps explain to me how to do this? I have gotten so use to this with all the MMO's i have played, it's actually kind of irritating not having it in Rift. Thanks

Aieny 10-06-11 08:26 AM

We can't do anything with the inventory yet, as the API for it hasn't been developed. Rest assured, though, that this is coming, and Addons like this will be forthcoming.

Griz 10-17-11 10:49 AM

Very useful starter, thank you. :)

I noticed a possible spelling error that was causing the addon not to register. The line in the RiftAddon.toc file:

Enviroment = "1.3" I think should read:

Environment = "1.3"

I have made the minor change (hope that was ok?) ;)

Syndic 11-04-11 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rithious (Post 449)
I was looking through addons and i have yet to find what I'm looking for. I was thinking about making it myself but i don't know how to write the program. I wanted to do an all in 1 inventory. Is there someone that could help me with this, perhaps explain to me how to do this? I have gotten so use to this with all the MMO's i have played, it's actually kind of irritating not having it in Rift. Thanks

This seems to be the number 1 request I've noticed for an add-on. I would love one myself, to the point I would love to look into it myself, not sure how far I'll get though, have the same hurdles as yourself.
As mentioned above the only reason i could see you haven't seen this is the functions just aren't there.

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