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pitfinder 09-29-11 11:41 AM

ok i did some ui writing in wow i was just wondering if any one has looked at what can be done with the hot bars and raid frames?
location orientation size and what not. how much control did they allow us?
like can i set a vertical bar in the middle of my screen can i manage the number of buttons on it the spacing of the buttons?
also has any one noticed if we can set up the raid frames to show mana along with the health? also has any one come across a way to change how or what types of debuffs are shown on the raid frames?

just looking at what can be done at this time so i can start working on my ui in the way of cleaning it up to see what i want and get more control over my hot bars.

i am guessing we can drop all the frills and extra images from the base ui?
also is any one looking at adding images to the ui to create a whole new look?

Aieny 09-29-11 12:32 PM

None of that is currently possible. We don't have any access to the base UI yet, nor can we have many Command functions to call to execute stuff on click.

pitfinder 09-29-11 03:16 PM

so basically we cant do any thing with the ui. i thought they were going to let us mod the ui to the look and feel the way we like but i guess not. well i don't think i need to think about working on any thing then i mean WTH i don't need a buff tracker or some stupid log reader. i want to clean up my ui and stream line it to something that works and gives useful information. way to go!
OK rant off.

so about all we can do is track and read logs and piddly crap not do anything that might be considered useful in the setup of are ui.

only thing about wow i like was i was able to float buttons in differant areas of my screen in different sizes and opacity, and the ability to turn off all that extra **** on the ui that you don't need. well maybe in another 6 or so months we might be able to get some real addon function.

Gibbous 09-29-11 06:39 PM

There is Frame.Event:LeftClick() and RightClick() and etc... that are available, though I'm not sure off the top of my head how you could go about making actionbars.

I don't expect we'll get access to the base UI, so if you want to make a custom one yourself, you'll have to build the frames yourself, which is for the most part possible, it's just more or less from scratch.

pitfinder 09-30-11 09:59 AM

well that is some thing. still not a whole lot to work with.
so i can click i should be able to make something in the way of a hot bar.
i guess i should start looking at what cant be done with it.
why couldn't they make it easy...

Sunspots 09-30-11 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by pitfinder (Post 415)
so basically we cant do any thing with the ui. i thought they were going to let us mod the ui to the look and feel the way we like but i guess not. well i don't think i need to think about working on any thing then i mean WTH i don't need a buff tracker or some stupid log reader. i want to clean up my ui and stream line it to something that works and gives useful information. way to go!
OK rant off.

so about all we can do is track and read logs and piddly crap not do anything that might be considered useful in the setup of are ui.

only thing about wow i like was i was able to float buttons in differant areas of my screen in different sizes and opacity, and the ability to turn off all that extra **** on the ui that you don't need. well maybe in another 6 or so months we might be able to get some real addon function.

While we can't manipulate the Rift UI, we are able to recreate many of the functions and as such make it with our desired functionality.
I believe there might also be plans for letting us hook addon frames to the Rift UI frames.

Gibbous 09-30-11 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by pitfinder (Post 421)
why couldn't they make it easy...

Relax a little bit, they just started releasing the API, so it's not done yet.

As of right now, we can't manipulate the game very much yet, so I think actionbars are a ways off.

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