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Updated: 10-12-15 11:19 AM
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Updated:10-12-15 11:19 AM
Created:03-12-12 12:21 AM
MereHealingFrames  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 0.4.38
by: Mere [More]
The frames are now at the point they're configurable by others (I won't say easy to configure

There's config UI available by running:
/mhf config
to bring up the config dialog.

Basic buff tracking is in (stacks and timers should work) The buff/debuff lists are a priority ordered list. IE the first buff will be shown that is active from the list.

The Buff Slots are harder to explain, currently slots 1 is Top Right, then slot 5 is on the left. Eventually you'll be able to map icons to any buff slot you want. EG the tank frame is larger, and you can fit some more buff icons, then you can configure them as higher slots.

The frames support multiple layouts, along with many filter options, you can create frames that a filter based on:
  • calling (warrior, rogue, mage, cleric)
  • role (dps, tank, support, healer)
  • grouping (group 1-4)

Spell sets can be created for each spec, or shared between specs. (this functionality needs adding to the layouts as well)

To move a layout around you should be able to drag it's border to place it in a new location.

To enable debug spam run:
/mhf debug -l 5
This will enable some spammy tracing. Note this setting isn't saved.

Spells are configured using:
/mhf spell
more help can be seen with:
/mhf spell -?
Known options:
-l (--list): list current spell settings
-b (--button): mouse button (left, right, middle, four, five, up, down) (string)
-m (--modifier): modifier to apply (alt, shift, ctrl) (string)
-s (--spell): spellname (string)
-t (--target): target
-c (--custom): custom, not yet implemented (string)
-r (--reset): resets all mouse bindings
--mere: Setup Mere's test spells

To reconfigure current spells for your current spec, you can create a macro that contains the desired entries, and use it for reconfiguring spells, eg:
/mhf spell --reset
/mhf spell -b left -s "Healing Spray"
/mhf spell -b left -m ctrl -s "Healing Breath"
/mhf spell -b right -s "Restorative Flame"
/mhf spell -b right -m ctrl -s "Healing Grace"
/mhf spell -b middle -s "Cauterize"
/mhf spell -b four -s "Ward of the Ancestors"
/mhf spell -b five -s "Searing Transfusion"
/mhf spell -b up -s "Latent Blaze"
/mhf spell -b down -s "Sterilize"

Adding -n "set name" will update the specified spell set. (the set needs creating through the config UI)

Colours can be reconfigured with (eventually I'll put a UI on this):
/mhf colours -?
Note that the colour names may not mean much without looking at the code.

Thanks also to the makers of the following libraries:All of which I embed for functionality.

I also used to include:But no longer do so.
Full git log can be found on:

Version 0.4.38
Add support for primalist (colour might not be quite right)
This should fix the warnings from the last few people using MHF that get emailed by rift for addon errors.
Note the new version updates the saved variables from previous releases to include primalist if a layout's calling filter included all callings. Once updated it won't change the setting again.

Version 0.4.37
Fix previous change to display an error when a change occurs while in combat.

Version 0.4.36
Ask the watchdog to be quiet when processing raid changes, on some systems it triggers a performance warning.

Version 0.4.35
A few minor fixes to some exceptions.

Version 0.4.34
Fix attempt to index field ''PlayerEvents'' (a nil value) errors

Version 0.4.33
Hopefully fix performance warning from ScanAvailableSpecs, it may not help though, as I suspect that it's the time taken to build the config ui that's hurting.

Version 0.4.32
A mixture of changes are present in this build.
Tweaked some code paths to try and stop letting people do things while in combat that will break.
Start of a new event based model for moving data internally. This is hooked up to quite a few things, and longer term everything will be event driven.
Colours are more dynamic, changing some colours on the command line is likely to update them straight away. Not all colours are hooked up this way yet.

Version 0.4.31
Bug fix to /mhf spell --list
Update LibVersionCheck to 0.03

Version 0.4.30
Add ability to configure role coloured health bars.

Version 0.4.29
Add ability to configure the anchor point of layouts
Improved command line usage to display when no params are passed to subcommands.

Version 0.4.28
Add support for configuring bordersize on panels
Add support for using libversioncheck to help keep people up-to-date with the latest version.

Version 0.4.27
Fix some issues with unit tracking.

Version 0.4.26
Support for 20 souls/roles is now present in the ui. I may look at adding the ability to copy things between the spell/buff sets, as 20 of them won't be easy to manage (I've no idea what anyone will do with 20!)
Switch to directly use libunitchange rather than safes raid manager, mainly because safes raid manager hasn't been updated for some time, and will break with rift 2.4 (as kbm uses a different library now) From my testing I believe I've tested adding/removing members of the raid in various configurations and sequences and things appear to update correctly.
Switch shadowed text to use rift 2.3 glows (hopefully they look ok, and might be less overhead on the system)

Version 0.4.25
Fix a critical issue with 0.4.24, clicking doesn't cast spells (I'll blame the sunshine for that bug)

Version 0.4.24 --- BROKEN DO NOT USE
Switch to using new event API.
More optimization work, hopefully less performance warnings. May also be less CPU usage when running around.

Version 0.4.23
More optimizations targeting relaying panels.

Version 0.4.22
Fix a performance warning for PlanarMax events, it was used at one time to determine if the player was fully loaded, but that's since changed.
Optimize a number of code paths, particularly around health, mana, energy and power updates.
Also fix a few debug messages to pass args into debug, so if tracing is not enabled the debug line has less overhead. Previously they concatenated the string to display, which is a waste of time if it's not being logged.

Version 0.4.21
Add ability to configure health, mana and energy font sizes.
They're on the Layout->Panel Settings tab.

Version 0.4.20
Update LibSimpleWidgets to v1.13.4
Tidy up some code that was using non-existent lua globals (if someone set a global things would have broken)
Use new Event API to only hook Update.End and Update.Begin when needed, rather than always having them hooked. Should reduce CPU usage when not creating new frames, and when none of the tracked items have a timer on them.
I still need to move all Event handlers to the new API.
Fix an issue with /reloadui not setting up spellsets correctly (effect was you couldn't cast after a /reloadui)

Version 0.4.19
Update LibSimpleWidgets for 2.2.
Update LibGetOpt
Update class colours to match official colours
Adding fake frames shouldn't trigger a watchdog warning.

Version 0.4.18
Package up with patched LibSimpleWidgets.
Hopefully this fixes any other strange asserts when working with list.lua.

Version 0.4.17
Fix error when renaming sets.

Version 0.4.16
Attempt to improve performance when leaving combat and needing redrawing frames, it should cut the number of recalcs of the layout from one for each changed unit, to just one. If any oddities occur with units leaving/joining let me know.
Update to LibSimpleWidgets 1.13.1
Also fix an assert triggered from LibSimpleWidgets update:
Error: LibSimpleWidgets/list.lua:308: param 1 must be a number!
In MereHealingFrames / mhfCommands, event Slash.mhf
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ''assert''
LibSimpleWidgets/list.lua:308: in function ''SetSelectedIndex''
MereHealingFrames/ConfigUI_Spells.lua:124: in function ''ChangeSpellSetSelection''

Version 0.4.15
Added configurable colours for text on health, mana, energy and power text.
Reduce the number of times we scan the player's abilities, this will hopefully reduce the number of performance warning/killed mails I've been getting.

Version 0.4.14
Patch background loading issue with HealingBar's textFormatter.

Version 0.4.13
Fix for text formats (eg no text) not applying when the UI loaded

Version 0.4.12
Revert change to buffset loading (was an attempt to fix an issue when saved buffsets are corrupt), it breaks buffsets for everyone and reverts them to the default.

Version 0.4.11
Allow target to be a "spell", and special case it to convert to /target rather than /cast target in the macro building.
Add absorb support. As targets build up absorbs/shields they will gain a light blue border. Can be disabled in the config for panel settings by unticking:
Absorbs are shown as a border around the panels:

Version 0.4.10
When loading the config ui tell the watchdog to be quiet.

Version 0.4.9
I've actually loaded up the ui and game to take a look at if it seems to work on the latest 1.11. It does appear to.
Note that this version also includes some async loading items I was working on to reduce the time spent loading frames etc. Most of this is to avoid the watchdog complaining.

Version 0.4.8
Various tweaks for 1.9 around future compatibility.
Main "fix" is for performance at logon, hopefully, this will remove the warnings fed back via the daily error report for CheckForStrays burning too much CPU.
Also adds support for unit radius changes, so that range will allow for any changes in radius (not sure players ever can, but it at least covers that possibility)

Version 0.4.7 (the "I'm not dead yet" release)
Update supporting libraries for 1.9
Update needed env to 1.9
More changes to come once I've caught up on where things are with rift.

Version 0.4.6
Add options to configure fill of panels (under Filtering and misc)
Also update a few libraries

Version 0.4.5
Add ability to enter multiple spells into a cast button. The code accepts a list of comma seperated abilities, if splits the list into a /cast line for each spell.
If something stops working, please use /mhf tooltips and examine the generated macros.

Version 0.4.4
Bug fix: Healer's Covenant causes buff tracking issues. Any buff that can also be a debuff would cause issues if tracked in seperate trackers. I didn't see this in my testing, as I was using "Latent Blaze", but on the same tracker.

Version 0.4.3
Bug fix: when players are moved in the raid UI, we lost track of them
Bug fix: icon settings weren't being saved and loaded, so icon->buff slot mappings were lost
Bug fix: suppressmacrofailures should be used to create the macros, to avoid some casting spam.

Version 0.4.2
Bug fix an issue with buff lists that causes them to be nil, and so produce errors:
Error: MereHealingFrames/BuffManager.lua:309: attempt to index field 'BuffNameToDetails' (a nil value)
In MereHealingFrames / MereHealingFrames.Events.BuffAdd, event Event.Buff.Add
stack traceback:
MereHealingFrames/BuffManager.lua:309: in function 'BuffAdd'
MereHealingFrames/BuffManager.lua:122: in function 'BuffAdd'
MereHealingFrames/Events.lua:55: in function <MereHealingFrames/Events.lua:51>

Version 0.4.1
Add UI to configure the icons.
Currently allow 3 rows of icons, and all any mapping of icons to buff slots.
Updated LibSimpleWidgets to 1.9.4

Version 0.4.0
Fix some issues with 1.8 and sample units.
Fix range check inverted check.
Update panel status update code to handle all the different player statuses. This should make panel borders, blocked and out of range units clearer and function as expected.

Version 0.3.7
Add sample units tab to /mhf config. This adds sample units to the frames to pad them out. Units are chosen randomly from the callings, roles are based on those selected from the bars or a pre-made button. This should allow for configuration of the different filtering and other settings without needing a real raid or party.

Version 0.3.6
A few new features:
* Cleansable counter buff tracker, add a new tracker, change type to cleansable counter, and then pick a buff slot.
* Ready check monitoring (role icons becomes a tick or cross)
* Optional shadowed text for health, mana, energy and name
* More sort options for layouts:
* compact group id sorting (looks like the default rift ui)
* role then name ordering

A number of bug fixes have also been made, the one that stands out is:
* de/buff tracking sometimes had the wrong times
* group filtering was broken, it's now fixed (everything was treated as group 1)
* the rest of the bug fixes were in new features

Version 0.3.5
Add command line to lock and unlock moving or layouts:
/mhf layout --lock
/mhf layout --unlock

Add command lines to add fake raid members:
Add a five man team (1 tank, 1 heal, 1 support):
/mhf debug -f
/mhf debug --fiveman
Add a ten man team (2 tanks, 2 heals, 1 support):
/mhf debug -t
/mhf debug --tenman
Add a 20 man team (3 tanks, 6 healers, 2 support)
/mhf debug -w
/mhf debug --twentyman
Remove fakes:
/mhf debug -n
/mhf debug --nofakes
enter combat :)
Version 0.3.4
Refactor some code to be shared between buffs and debuffs. Fixes a bug with debuff handling not working correctly.

Fix a UI bug, if a reloaded list no longer contains the previously selected list, pick the first entry. Fixes an issue when changing buffsets, trackers weren't selected, so you could enter data into a previous tracker.

Still a bug to fix there if the list is empty, need to actually clear out the tracker data, and disable the tracker entry.

Version 0.3.3
Some bug fixes to buff handling.
Optimize the buff handling some more, particularly around the handling of timer updates, I've tried to streamline the code.
Also PTS feature, range checking has been implemented, and should work once 1.8 is released. (maybe some work to optimize the tracking)

Version 0.3.2
Add support for configuring the buffs.
Currently one buff type is support, priority lists. The first found buff in the list is displayed.
I may expand the support so that it can display over multiple slots. IE you can see the first, 2nd and 3rd buff active in the list.
Other types will be created, but I wanted to put buff configuration in.

Version 0.3.1
Fix some issues with relogging in and finding you've frames from when you logged off. In theory I've hooked a location that I think should be after we enter combat in a combat DC, so we'll keep the data, or if out of combat is safe to throw the data, and rebuild from incoming events.

Complete buff engine rework. The code for the core buff routing is complete. There's some UI present, but it doesn't save or configure anything. This breaks the buff handling code from the UI layer. However, it should have no impact on anyone.

Next I need to add config UI, and code up the buff tracking code, currently there's a priority list one coded (nothing that can be configured), IE it displays the icon of any of the listed buff/debuffs, with the icon displayed being that of the first on the list that's active.

Version 0.3.0
Added support for filtering each layout, you can filter based on:
* calling (warrior, rogue, mage, cleric)
* role (dps, tank, support, healer)
* grouping (group 1-4)
Layouts now have labels (which you can turn off, or adjust the height of)

In combat reconnects and reloads should put up frames. Not that it may not be 100% bug free right now, and needs more testing.

Version number is now shown in the config dialog, and also at startup.

Options for text formats are now available for each bar, you can round the health/mana numbers, and also change the amount of detail shown by the numbers.

You can hide mana and energy/power bars if you don't want them, or reduce the size of them.

Version 0.2.7
Rework some of the internals, this should help redisplaying of frames when relogging after a dc, as I believe I should get some basic frames up before the player is put into combat, and then the rest of the details will appear as the server sends the details over.

Also fix some group membership change issues.

Version 0.2.6 (not released due to internet outage at home last night)
Add support for renaming layouts

Version 0.2.5
Link up the command line spell interface so that it refreshes the config UI.
Make some of the command lines show success/failure messages
Support mouseover macros.

Version 0.2.4
Add support to add, rename and delete spell sets.
Add ability to pick role/soul specs for each spell set.
A spec/role can only be assigned to one spell set, but a spell set can be active for multiple specs.

Version 0.2.3
Default to layout borders allowing layouts to be moved (locks on combat)
Allow the creation of new layouts
Allow the deletion of layouts
(Note you can't rename the layouts yet)

Version 0.2.2
First implementation of spellset configuration. Rather basic right now, but should be a little easier than the macro method.

Version 0.2.1
New version to include Safe's Raid Manager 1.1.3. This includes the fix for the group issues I was seeing, without me having a private version.

Version 0.2
Fix some issues with group membership when people leave the group (note that I've a patched SafesRaidManager in this build, however, it shouldn't cause any issues with KBM)

Add initial config UI accessible with:
/mhf config

It allows configuration of the default layout, sizing changes should take instant effect, filter changes may not take effect and need a reloadui. Changing sort order should be instant.

Spells tab is work in progress, I expect to complete the spells tab in the next couple of days.

Version 0.1.3
Fix group membership issues, by handling SRM.GroupChange event
Fix Warrior power bar not changing (I thought it was energy, it's not it's power, oddly there's no powerMax like other resources)
Update default buff/debuffs so that Latent Blaze also shows the debuff

Version 0.1.2
Add ability to reset spell list
Fix nil de-ref when showing tooltips and nothing is configured for a button.

Version 0.1.1
Add basic support for configuring spells and colours
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Unread 06-26-13, 05:47 AM  

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Re: Re: Re: Absorb border / Debuffs

Originally Posted by Mere
you can add a line in:
		PanelSettings = {
			borderSize = 5,
			EnergyFontSize = 10,
			ManaFontSize = 10,

Again, thanks a lot. Great mod.
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Unread 06-25-13, 11:02 PM  

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Re: Re: Feature addition (or am I blind?)

Originally Posted by Mere
Feature request added, for some reason I forget that some people like to hide things when they're solo, I guess I've always liked having the frame even when solo, as I tend to carve an area of screen/UI for where the raid frames are.
It's more of a matter than I put my frames above action bars so it leaves me with this single raid frame floating mid-screen. Now....if that frame would always be at the bottom of the "group" when not in a raid it would be fine. However I figure thats more trouble than just having the frames not show when solo.

Originally Posted by Mangoes
While I am suggesting, would it be possible to have a sort override for Self? Such as always have MY unit frame first or last?
Originally Posted by Mere
Hmm, should be fairly easy to do for a name sort. For the sort by group ids, it's a bit trickier, but should be doable. Would you want to just be first within your group, or the whole raid?
For me first in raid would be fine, but I would venture to guess someone else would want first in group. This is not really a critical need, just a "while I am making suggestions" suggestion.

Originally Posted by Mangoes
Finally a problem I think you are aware of as I see something mentioned here, when in combat or any raid/party unit is in combat, if you leave the raid/party the frames do not clear/reset. You have to reloadui to clear them, until the combat ends, then it clears/resets.
Originally Posted by Mere
I'm believe I fixed that with 0.4.27. If you're still having problems with it, I'll take another look.
I had not played since the update before posting previously, but I just left a game where I invited someone to party while fighting and they did not appear in MHF's frames until combat ended.
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Unread 06-25-13, 05:52 PM  
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Re: Feature addition (or am I blind?)

Originally Posted by Mangoes
I would really like the ability to have the addon only visible when in party/raid. As it exists now if I have the addon enabled I have to suffer with a single unit frame of my character, which I do not need when solo.

I could be overlooking a setting option but I do not see one to only display in party/raid. An example would be the Gadgets addon which when making gadgets has the option check boxes to display: Solo Party Raid, etc.
Feature request added, for some reason I forget that some people like to hide things when they're solo, I guess I've always liked having the frame even when solo, as I tend to carve an area of screen/UI for where the raid frames are.

Originally Posted by Mangoes
While I am suggesting, would it be possible to have a sort override for Self? Such as always have MY unit frame first or last?
Hmm, should be fairly easy to do for a name sort. For the sort by group ids, it's a bit trickier, but should be doable. Would you want to just be first within your group, or the whole raid?

Originally Posted by Mangoes
Finally a problem I think you are aware of as I see something mentioned here, when in combat or any raid/party unit is in combat, if you leave the raid/party the frames do not clear/reset. You have to reloadui to clear them, until the combat ends, then it clears/resets.
I'm believe I fixed that with 0.4.27. If you're still having problems with it, I'll take another look.
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Unread 06-25-13, 05:38 PM  
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Re: Re: Absorb border / Debuffs

Originally Posted by Mere
Oddly it looks like I put code in to support border size, but didn't actually hook any config to it.
And because the support is there, you can actually open up the saved variables file for your char, and alter it.

If you logout first (otherwise logging out will overwrite your changes), and search for the section that looks like:
		PanelSettings = {
			EnergyFontSize = 10,
			ManaFontSize = 10,
you can add a line in:
		PanelSettings = {
			borderSize = 5,
			EnergyFontSize = 10,
			ManaFontSize = 10,
case is sensitive, and it'll put a bigger border around the unit panels (for absorb, aggro, etc)

The default borderSize is 2, and it's measured in pixels. Note by doing it this way it'll work when I do add config ui.
Last edited by Mere : 06-25-13 at 05:41 PM.
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Unread 06-25-13, 05:29 PM  
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Re: Absorb border / Debuffs

Originally Posted by demsix
Hey, fantastic work.

Is it possible to get a thicker border for absorb spells? Right now it's really thin, even with an increased border size. It's difficult to see.

Also, how do I show debuffs? (nvm, got a cleansable counter running.)

Oddly it looks like I put code in to support border size, but didn't actually hook any config to it. (once more the config ui will take far longer than actually doing the engine...) I'll stick it on the feature request list, so I don't forget (should be fairly quick to do)

I've some plans to rework all the panel layout stuff so I expect it'd fall out of the wash there.

Glad you worked out the debuffs, some where on the list is to make the learning curve less cliff like...
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Unread 06-25-13, 09:12 AM  

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Feature addition (or am I blind?)

I would really like the ability to have the addon only visible when in party/raid. As it exists now if I have the addon enabled I have to suffer with a single unit frame of my character, which I do not need when solo.

I could be overlooking a setting option but I do not see one to only display in party/raid. An example would be the Gadgets addon which when making gadgets has the option check boxes to display: Solo Party Raid, etc.

While I am suggesting, would it be possible to have a sort override for Self? Such as always have MY unit frame first or last?

Finally a problem I think you are aware of as I see something mentioned here, when in combat or any raid/party unit is in combat, if you leave the raid/party the frames do not clear/reset. You have to reloadui to clear them, until the combat ends, then it clears/resets.
Mangoes is offline Report comment to moderator  
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Unread 06-25-13, 05:38 AM  

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Absorb border / Debuffs

Hey, fantastic work.

Is it possible to get a thicker border for absorb spells? Right now it's really thin, even with an increased border size. It's difficult to see.

Also, how do I show debuffs? (nvm, got a cleansable counter running.)

Last edited by demsix : 06-25-13 at 06:10 AM.
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Unread 06-24-13, 01:17 PM  
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Originally Posted by Mere
I'll be looking into it this evening, as clearly something is going wrong with the tracking of group members (someone else has raised a bug). If you go back to 0.4.25 that should be ok.
Hopefully 0.4.27 should fix the issues, it did for me when doing some IAs, along with some other basic tests around changing group membership while in combat.
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Unread 06-24-13, 12:48 PM  

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No problem.

Thank you for your quickly response and good luck.
Walkyrien is offline Report comment to moderator  
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Unread 06-24-13, 08:08 AM  
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Originally Posted by Walkyrien

My name is Valkyrie, French Player. I love this addons and i use all time. But, with the update Version: 0.4.26, after one fight, i must reloadui everytime.

Because, after one fight, few "character box" disappear.

Here is few screenshot :

After one fight :

New Player come into the raid group :

After the command /reloadui :

Please, if you can fix this problem/bug.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

I'll be looking into it this evening, as clearly something is going wrong with the tracking of group members (someone else has raised a bug). If you go back to 0.4.25 that should be ok.

I've marked 4.26 as a Beta on curse so it should stop updating.
Mere is offline Report comment to moderator  
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Unread 06-24-13, 06:54 AM  

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My name is Valkyrie, French Player. I love this addons and i use all time. But, with the update Version: 0.4.26, after one fight, i must reloadui everytime.

Because, after one fight, few "character box" disappear.

Here is few screenshot :

After one fight :

New Player come into the raid group :

After the command /reloadui :

Please, if you can fix this problem/bug.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

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Unread 06-22-13, 07:30 AM  
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Originally Posted by Ellaria
I'm lost :\ I have the "fill rows from right to left" ticked, but when I enter a public groups during events, the new groups appear on the right of my initial group and completely cover the middle of my screen instead of going towards the left part of my screen. Perhaps because of that anchor point thing you mentioned?
Yes, that'll be the anchor thing, I'll take a look at what I need to do to improve it.

(Sorry for not replying sooner, it seems that I'm not getting messages when people make comments!)
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Unread 06-08-13, 10:51 AM  

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I'm lost :\ I have the "fill rows from right to left" ticked, but when I enter a public groups during events, the new groups appear on the right of my initial group and completely cover the middle of my screen instead of going towards the left part of my screen. Perhaps because of that anchor point thing you mentioned?
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Unread 06-08-13, 05:03 AM  
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Originally Posted by Ellaria
Would it be possible to have the groups grow from right to left? Right now when group 2 fills, it's displayed on the right to group 1, and when group 3 fills it's displayed on the right of group 2 and so on. I'd love to have group 1 always stay on the right, with newly filled groups appearing on its left. It'd be awesome!
This should already be possible (admittedly the description is rather cryptic so no surprise it didn't make sense)

If you open up config, on the layout, under filtering and misc tab, at the bottom is a tick box:
Fill rows right to left

That should do what you're after.

A quirk of this, you can't configure the point that the layout grows from at the moment. So it's always the top left, which perhaps doesn't make sense with players filling right to left, it's now on the feature request list so I don't forget:

That part of config ui needs a revisit to perhaps be more graphical and so easier to understand (given there are 3 options for filling a layout, and so 8 different sequence orders)

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Unread 06-04-13, 05:56 PM  

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Hi First of all, thanks for the addon!

Would it be possible to have the groups grow from right to left? Right now when group 2 fills, it's displayed on the right to group 1, and when group 3 fills it's displayed on the right of group 2 and so on. I'd love to have group 1 always stay on the right, with newly filled groups appearing on its left. It'd be awesome!
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