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Updated: 12-04-16 12:41 PM
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Updated:12-04-16 12:41 PM
Created:10-18-11 07:21 PM
LibSimpleWidgets  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.14.5
by: doxxx [More]
LibSimpleWidgets is a library which provides a set of simple widgets not provided by the official Rift API. It integrates into the UI.CreateFrame function, adding several new frame types:
  • SimpleCheckbox (checkbox with a label)
  • SimpleGrid (grid of widgets)
  • SimpleList (list of selectable items, single/multi-select)
  • SimpleScrollList (same as above, scrollable, handles very large lists, recommended as replacement for SimpleList+SimpleScrollView)
  • SimpleRadioButton (radio button with a label)
  • SimpleScrollView (wraps any fixed-height frame)
  • SimpleSelect (dropdown list)
  • SimpleSlider (slider with the current value displayed next to it)
  • SimpleTabView (tabbed frames)
  • SimpleTextArea (multi-line textfield in scrollview)
  • SimpleTooltip (mouseover popup frame with text)
  • SimpleWindow (draggable RiftWindow)
The new frame types inherit all of Frame's functions and add a few more functions specific to each widget.

SimpleRadioButton has a companion function called RadioButtonGroup, which returns a controller object that manages a group of radio buttons to ensure that only one is selected at a time and to generate an event when the selected radio button changes.

The Layout function, given a table describing a widget layout, will create frames and lay them out accordingly. If you've ever used AceConfig and AceGUI, then you'll find this familiar. You can call Layout with the same parent frame and config table to refresh the widgets without creating new frames.

You can find the API documentation here:

You can file bugs and feature requests in my author portal.

TODO list
v1.14.5 (4 December 2016)
- Fix SimpleScrollList mouse scrolling bug.
- Add missing Events header in SimpleWindow docs.

v1.14.4 (25 November 2015)
- Fix calculation of minimum scrollbar thickness for SimpleScrollView.

v1.14.3 (23 May 2015)
- Fix recycling of ScrollList item frame's background frames.

v1.14.2 (2 March 2014)
- Fix calls to original mouse events for tooltip injected frames.
- Fix tooltip RemoveEvents to restore original handlers correctly.

v1.14.1 (28 April 2013)
- Add RemoveAllRows function to Grid.
- Fix Grid SetRows to hide old rows.
- Fix ScrollView's content frame resizing to use SetWidth instead of setting a TOPRIGHT point. This prevents a conflict when a Grid has been put into a ScrollView before rows are added to the Grid.
- Raise Select's dropdown layer to ensure that it's on top of everything else.
- Clarify Grid's SetRows documentation.
- Add simple example for Grid to documentation.

v1.14 (27 April 2013)
- Add SimpleGrid widget.
- Fix SimpleSelect's ResizeToFit to take currently selected item width into account.
- Fix SimpleSelect's dropdown layering.
- Add configuration methods to SimpleTabView for colors.
- Change SimpleSelect widget to use SimpleScrollList for dropdown.

v1.13.4 (10 March 2013)
- Fix index param checking in SimpleScrollList's SetSelectedIndex.

v1.13.3 (28 February 2013)
- Fix enter and tab key detection in SimpleTextArea for Rift 2.2.
- Update required environment to 2.2.

v1.13.2 (12 February 2013)
- Fix index param checking in SimpleList's SetSelectedIndex.

v1.13.1 (15 January 2013)
- Fix clicking on SimpleSelect dropdown items.
- Ensure that ScrollList background frame does not interfere with item background frames.

v1.13 (12 January 2013)
- Added SimpleScrollList widget -- scrollable list (like SimpleList) but optimized to handle very large lists without using lots of Rift frames.

v1.12 (22 December 2012)
- Made Select widget's dropdown items scrollable.
- Fixed default sizing of Select widget.
- Includes v1.11.1 fixes.

v1.11.1 (18 December 2012)
- Fixed Tooltip's event injection to pass events onto original handlers as well.
- Fixed Border:Destroy() so that switching border types work.

v1.11 (9 December 2012)
- Added silent parameter to SimpleSlider's SetRange function.
- Properly remove SimpleCheckbox's SetBackgroundColor function.
- Properly remove SimpleRadioButton's SetBackgroundColor function.
- Added rounded and tooltip border styles. This required a change to the argument list for the SetBorder function.
- Use new tooltip border for Tooltip widget.
- Updated SetBorder function to handle both old-style and new-style argument lists and be able to change existing border to a different type.
- Added documentation for SetBorder function.
- Added labelFontSize config setting for checkboxes in Layout function.
- Added anchor support to the Tooltip widget.
- Added 'editable' setting for slider widgets in Layout function.
- Added parameter checking for all frame types and functions.
- Improved positioning of mouse-anchored tooltip to not go over bottom or right screen edge.
- Updated TOC Environment to 2.0.

v1.10 (3 May 2012)
- SimpleTabView: Made tab font size and colors configurable.
- SimpleTabView: Made tab position configurable.
- SimpleTabView: Fixed positioning of remaining tabs when a tab is removed.

v1.9.5 (25 April 2012)
- Added dropdown arrow button to SimpleSelect.
- Added ItemClick event to SimpleList.

v1.9.4 (21 April 2012)
- Made minimum tab width in SimpleTabView configurable.
- Enforce a minimum scrollbar drag button thickness in SimpleScrollView.
- Fixed SimpleScrollView to correctly update its layout when it's resized.

v1.9.3 (8 March 2012)
- Fixed SimpledSlider's SetEnabled to switch to showing the current view when the widget is disabled, since RiftTextfields can't be disabled.
- Removed SimpleCheckbox's and SimpleRadioButton's SetBackgroundColor function so that the default Frame implementation is used.
- Added Get/SetSelectionBackgroundColor function to SimpleList.
- Fixed SimpleList to retain selected item's background color when changing things like font size.

v1.9.2 (7 March 2012)
- Improved how RadioButtons and RadioButtonGroup interact so that they're independent of event handlers.
- Added SetEnabled function to RadioButtonGroup.

v1.9.1 (6 March 2012)
- Fixed error when trying to get an event handler for a custom event (e.g. RadioButtonChange) which had no handler set yet.

v1.9.0 (4 March 2012)
- Added optional editable textfield to SimpleSlider, controlled by Get/SetEditable.
- Fixed SimpleSlider's SetEnabled to actually enable the slider when true is passed.
- Fixed library's addon short name to be "LSW".
- Added silent parameter to SimpleSlider's SetPosition function to suppress the SliderChange event.
- Added silent parameter to SimpleList's selection-changing functions to suppress the ItemSelect and SelectionChange events.
- Added silent parameter to SimpleSelect's selection-changing functions to suppress the ItemSelect events.
- Added silent parameter to SimpleRadioButton's SetSelected function to suppress the RadioButtonSelect event.
- Added SetSelectedIndex function to SimpleRadioButtonGroup.

v1.8.3 (25 February 2012)
- Removed all usage of deprecated Rift API functions and updated required Environment to 1.7.
- Added ResizeToFit functions for SimpleSelect, SimpleCheckbox, SimpleRadioButton, and SimpleSlider.
- Deprecated ResizeToDefault function on SimpleSelect in favor of ResizeToFit.
- Fixed sizing of SimpleTooltip for multiple lines of automatically wrapped text.
- Fixed SimpleSlider's SetBackgroundColor function.
- Improved SimpleTextArea widget to grab key focus when the scroller background is clicked because the text doesn't fill the scroll area. (Thanks TimeBomb!)

v1.8.2 (29 January 2012)
- Fixed scrollbar visibility not tracking scrollview visibility properly. Thanks Xenyr!

v1.8.1 (14 December 2011)
- Fixed nil error when clicking a radio button in a RadioButtonGroup.

v1.8 (11 December 2011)
- Added SimpleRadioButton frame type and RadioButtonGroup function.
- Added TabSelect event and GetActiveTab function to SimpleTabView.

v1.7 (8 December 2011)
- Added SimpleTabView widget.
- Added item levels support to SimpleList.
- Added RemoveEvents to SimpleTooltip.
- Fixed SetBackgroundColor for SimpleList.

v1.6.1 (6 December 2011)
- Added GetSelectedIndices, GetSelectedItems and GetSelectedValues functions to SimpleList.
- Ensure that we never try to position SimpleScrollView's scrollbar outside of its min/max range.

v1.6 (1 December 2011)
- Added multi-select mode to SimpleList. See API documentation for details.

v1.5.4 (30 November 2011)
- Reverted v1.5.2 change and instead fixed SimpleList and SimpleSelect to clear the current selection when SetItems is called. This doesn't trigger an ItemSelect event.

v1.5.3 (30 November 2011)
- Fixed SimpleList and SimpleSelect to trigger an ItemSelect event when the previously selected index is reselected after the list is updated by SetItems.

v1.5.2 (19 November 2011)
- Use a RiftButton with the 'close' skin for the close button on SimpleWindows.
- Use a RiftScrollbar in SimpleScrollView.
- Added GetFontColor/SetFontColor to SimpleTooltip.
- Added GetFontColor/SetFontColor to SimpleCheckbox.

v1.5.1 (16 November 2011)
- Fixed a bug when SimpleScrollView is given a content frame that already has points or sizes set. (Thanks Matrix)
- Fixed a bug when SimpleScrollView is given a content frame that has a height of 0. (Thanks Matrix)

v1.5 (11 November 2011)
- Updated select widget in Layout function to support new values and index features in SimpleSelect.
- The event handlers created by SimpleTooltip's InjectEvents now call the tooltipTextFunc with the tooltip frame as the first parameter.
- Fixed anchoring of SimpleSlider internal frames.
- Added font size support to SimpleCheckbox, SimpleList, SimpleSelect and SimpleTooltip.
- SimpleSelect no longer automatically sets its own width and height when first created.
- Added ResizeToDefault funciton for SimpleSelect.

v1.4 (7 November 2011)
- Added the ability to associate values with items in SimpleList and SimpleSelect.
- Added the ability to use indices with SimpleList and SimpleSelect.
- SimpleList now triggers ItemSelect event when the selection is cleared.
- Reselecting the same item in SimpleList should not trigger the ItemSelect event.
- Fixed "unknown event" bug in EventProxy when a custom event is cleared by setting to nil.
- Layout function can now be used to update an existing widget layout.
- Added spacer type to Layout function.

v1.3.1 (5 November 2011)
- Fixed SetKeyFocus function for SimpleTextArea.

v1.3 (4 November 2011)
- Fix MouseIn/MouseOut/MouseMove events for SimpleCheckbox.
- Don't fire ItemSelect event in SimpleSelect if item is already selected.
- Fixed resizing of underlying textfield as text is changed in SimpleTextArea.
- Fixed SimpleWindow dragging to work when window is initially anchored.
- Improved close button for SimpleWindow.
- Added GetKeyFocus/SetKeyFocus to SimpleTextArea.
- Added missing SetBorder and SetBackgroundColor functions to for SimpleCheckbox, SimpleList and SimpleTextArea.
- Added GetEnabled/SetEnabled functions for SimpleCheckbox, SimpleList, SimpleSelect, SimpleSlider and SimpleTextArea.
- Added Close event to SimpleWindow.
- Added SimpleTooltip widget.
- Added tooltipText setting to config table for Layout function.

v1.2 (25 October 2011)
- Added optional close button to SimpleWindow.
- Added SetBackgroundColor function SimpleSelect.
- Fixed double ItemSelected notification in SimpleList.
- Improved technique used by SetBorder for adding the border. Works with translucent frames now.
- Added SimpleCheckbox widget.
- Added SimpleSlider widget.
- Added Layout function for arrange a set of widgets according to a config table.
- Added EventProxy function which creates a replacement Event table for a frame which contains custom events but can also use the events from the frame's original Event table. This has replaced the Register*Handler functions.
- Added events for various widgets.

v1.1 (22 October 2011)
- Added SimpleTextArea widget.

v1.0 (18 October 2011)
- Initial release.
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Unread 04-01-12, 02:40 PM  
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Hi Doxx,

I was wondering if it'd be possible for you to add an API that lets us set the minimum tab width? Currently I've a number of short width tabs, but the hardcoded 100 limit means that I need quite a bit of space to fit them all in.

Also what's your thoughts on making a vertical tabs? (although tbh I can probalby achieve the same with a list view, tabs might just look neater)

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Unread 04-01-12, 09:30 PM  
Claw of Regulos
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Originally Posted by Mere
Hi Doxx,

I was wondering if it'd be possible for you to add an API that lets us set the minimum tab width? Currently I've a number of short width tabs, but the hardcoded 100 limit means that I need quite a bit of space to fit them all in.

Also what's your thoughts on making a vertical tabs? (although tbh I can probalby achieve the same with a list view, tabs might just look neater)

Minimum tab width should be easy. Vertical tabs, less so

I assume by vertical tabs you mean tabs stacked along the left side of the view, but the labels of each tab are still horizontal?
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Unread 04-02-12, 12:06 PM  
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yes, pretty much, vertical, text still horizontal.

I'm looking at UI that allows configuration of 5 buttons + wheelup/down, so needed 7 tabs, horizontally it's quite a bit of width (700px atm). vertically it'd fine.

Although I'm actually thinking that the tabs is a little overkill, as the config is the same for each one, it's just which button it applies it to, so 7 tabs would be 7 copies of that config UI.

I guess I'm really after a list in this case.
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Unread 04-02-12, 12:14 PM  
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Originally Posted by Mere
yes, pretty much, vertical, text still horizontal.

I'm looking at UI that allows configuration of 5 buttons + wheelup/down, so needed 7 tabs, horizontally it's quite a bit of width (700px atm). vertically it'd fine.

Although I'm actually thinking that the tabs is a little overkill, as the config is the same for each one, it's just which button it applies it to, so 7 tabs would be 7 copies of that config UI.

I guess I'm really after a list in this case.
I haven't tried this and I didn't have it in mind when I first wrote the SimpleTabView widget, but you could try giving the same view widget to each tab and just have the event handlers with the widgets inside the view check what the active tab is to determine which key/button/whatever is being modified. I think it might work and that would save you from having to create multiple sets of identical widgets.

As for whether to use a list or a tab, IMO the rule of thumb is to use a tabview when you have a fixed set of items (tabs) and a list when the set of items is dynamic and could change in length and/or content. Another consideration is whether each switched item would display a different set of widgets (tabview) or the same set (list).

Given your example, I would lean towards using a list.

I am still going to look into vertical tabs though since it does have its uses. The Rift Character window is a good example of vertical tabs, in a way.
Last edited by doxxx : 04-02-12 at 12:17 PM.
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Unread 04-02-12, 03:13 PM  
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I've implemented it a list, but I think tabs might have looked nicer.

If you want to see it in action, take a look at my healing frames:
(make sure you grab the latest 0.2.2)
if you load it, and run /mhf config, then pick spells, you'll see what I've done atm.

I did wonder about using levels on the lists, but the main lists on the left tend to have multiple config tabs (spells has just one right now, but it will gain a soul specs one at some point)

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Unread 04-02-12, 05:19 PM  
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Originally Posted by Mere
I've implemented it a list, but I think tabs might have looked nicer.

If you want to see it in action, take a look at my healing frames:
(make sure you grab the latest 0.2.2)
if you load it, and run /mhf config, then pick spells, you'll see what I've done atm.

I did wonder about using levels on the lists, but the main lists on the left tend to have multiple config tabs (spells has just one right now, but it will gain a soul specs one at some point)

Cool, I like it.

Also, click healing! Squee!

Levels would have been another way to do it. A bit tricky matching the selected item to the appropriate view but doable. It certainly would be more compact.

It would be nice to have a real tree widget like you see in the Achievements or UI Settings windows, but that's a pretty hefty undertaking and it won't look nearly as pretty as the Rift native widget.
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Unread 04-21-12, 07:37 AM  
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I've come accross an oddity with scrollview, but I'm not sure what's triggering it.

Somehow the scroll view ends up with a negative height.

When this happens it throws everything else out, as thickness throws an error

As a short term fix I've tweaked scrollview.lua with:
local function ContentResized(self)
if (self:GetHeight() < 0) then

I'll try and see if I can make a test case that shows this problem in action, but it's a bit tricky as the place I'm using the scroll view onto a frame, that is then on a tab. It seems that when the tab view does the SetAllPoints call on the frame that the resize is triggered.

If I print out the name of the frame and the height, it seems to display correctly then becomes negative, with the above line it stops the code erroring out due to setting the thickness of the scrollbar to a negative number.

It's a bit of sticky tape over the problem rather than a fix. I'll try and get a sensibly sized test case.

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Unread 04-21-12, 11:10 AM  
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I've uploaded v1.9.4 which fixes the problem Mere was seeing.
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Unread 05-03-12, 06:43 PM  
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v1.10 has been uploaded. It makes tab positions and tab font colors and sizes configurable in SimpleTabView.
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Unread 05-26-12, 03:22 AM  
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Hi doxxx,

I've got something a bit odd happening, and I can't work out why

If I put a SimpleTextArea or a RiftTextfield inside a tab, GetCursor() on the text field always returns -1, which then breaks the multi-line handling.

I've had a quick look through tabview.lua, and there's nothing in there that should break it, so it's probably a RIFT bug. Just wondering if anyone else has seen/reported this?


- Wild
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Unread 05-26-12, 05:57 AM  
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Originally Posted by Wildtide
Hi doxxx,

I've got something a bit odd happening, and I can't work out why

If I put a SimpleTextArea or a RiftTextfield inside a tab, GetCursor() on the text field always returns -1, which then breaks the multi-line handling.

I've had a quick look through tabview.lua, and there's nothing in there that should break it, so it's probably a RIFT bug. Just wondering if anyone else has seen/reported this?


- Wild
Yeah, I've seen that before. It's a known Rift bug. I've reported it but apparently hasn't been fixed yet.

The underlying problem is that if a RiftTextfield is reparented after its initial creation, this bug occurs. The SimpleTabView reparents each tabs's display frame as its added to get the rendering order right.

I should go bug Zorba about it again.
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Unread 05-26-12, 06:21 AM  
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I found a workaround for the GetCursor problem. If you create your tab display frame with "YourTabView.tabContent" as its parent, then the reparenting that the tabview does becomes a no-op because its the same frame and it doesn't trigger the bug.

For example:

local c = UI.CreateContext("context")
local w = UI.CreateFrame("SimpleWindow", "window", c)
local tabview = UI.CreateFrame("SimpleTabView", "tabs", w:GetContent())
local tab1 = UI.CreateFrame("Frame", "tab1", tabview.tabContent)
local tab1text = UI.CreateFrame("SimpleTextArea", "text", tab1)
tabview:AddTab("Tab 1", tab1)
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Unread 05-26-12, 09:44 AM  
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Nice one, thanks for that Doxxx. I'll give it a go as soon as I can get near the computer :-)
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Unread 06-26-12, 01:13 PM  
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Setting range on SimpleSlider sometimes triggers change event. I don't know if it's your bug, or Rift's bug - it started happening today on PTS and gave me a headache of finding out the reason of buff bars suddenly changing position on opening KBB settings.
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Unread 06-26-12, 01:25 PM  
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Originally Posted by Kreiri
Setting range on SimpleSlider sometimes triggers change event. I don't know if it's your bug, or Rift's bug - it started happening today on PTS and gave me a headache of finding out the reason of buff bars suddenly changing position on opening KBB settings.
SetRange on a SimpleSlider just calls through to SetRange on the underlying RiftSlider and then resizes the text view which shows the current value on the right. So my guess would be that this is new behavior from the underlying RiftSlider.

Is it possible that you're re-using a SimpleSlider that had (for example) range 1-10 with a current value of 1 and you're setting the range to 5-15? i.e. the current value has become invalid in the new range so it automatically adjusts it to the minimum or maximum and triggers a change event.

One possible workaround would be to remove your SliderChange handler, call SetRange and then set your SliderChange handler again.

I can also add a silent parameter to SetRange like I did for SetPosition, which would suppress events which are triggered by SetRange.
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